
Located between Brouage marshes and the Pertuis sea,



Réserve naturelle de Moëze-Oléron – Ferme de Plaisance,
route de Plaisance
Tél. : 07 68 24 70 23 ou 05 46 82 42 85



Main access routes

By cycle

Maps of cycle routes to consult  bassin de Marennes (Brouage) and Rochefort Océan (itlinéraire 11) .

By car

Saint-Froult, 5 hours from Paris, 2 hours from Poitiers and Bordeaux, one hour away from the Poitevin marshes.

From La Rochelle, follow signs for Rochefort, then Royan/Ile d’Oléron, after crossing the La Charente viaduct, take the first exit towards Soubise, drive through the village and follow Moëze.  700 meters after leaving the village of Moëze, turn right (there is a grain silo at this junction) and follow the main road.  After 3 kilometres, the farm La Ferme de Plaisance is on your right.  The route is indicated by brown “Pôle-Nature” signposts.

By train

Take the TGV to Surgères – frequent bus route between Surgères and Rochefort sur mer.

By air

Airports: La Rochelle 53 kilometres away and Bordeaux two hours away.

Aérodromes at Saint-Agnant, Marennes, Saintes.

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